Our team

The parts in the project:

Within the framework of the "Program of Cooperation for the Global Justice in Specific Cities" of the City Council of Barcelona, both the formulation of the project and its implementation are part of a collaboration, ratified by specific agreements, between the Department of Urbanism and Territorial Planning of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia•BarcelonaTech, the local counterpart and local authority City Council of Maputo, and the local counterpart Faculty of Architecture and Physical Planning and its Center for Habitat Development Studies, of the Eduardo Mondlane University. At the same time, the Polytechnic University of Catalonia•BarcelonaTech and the Eduardo Mondlane University have signed a Memoraundum for inter-university cooperation.

In order to create the conditions of effectiveness and responsibilities, the parts will be represented through a Steering Committee, and Technical Committee, represented by the project managers and the coordinators, respectively, of the three institutions.



Estanislau Roca Blanch

Full university professor, currently vice-rector of Infrastructure and Architecture of Polytechnic University of Catalonia· BarcelonaTech (UPC). Responsible professor of assignations in the degree program and post-graduation program in the Barcelona School of Architecture (UPC). Has been invited about twenty times for prestigious international universities, and recived the awards in Quality in University Teaching at the UPC (2011) and Jaume Vicens Vives. He is also an international evaluator for university teaching since 2015. During three decades he has benn part of the examining board for the final project at Barcelona School of Architecture. He has been the director of the Department of Urbanism and Territorial Planning (UPC), and he is a a professor in the PhD Program in Urbanism (UPC), distinguishing with the Indicator for Excellence. In 1996, he obtained the Triennial Award Lluís Domènech I Muntaner in Reserach, and , in 1995, the Medal of Honor Europa Nostra. Author of more than twenty books in urban research.

email: estanislao.roca@upc.edu 


Arwen Prendergast Gumbao

Architect by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia·BarcelonaTech (UPC), MsC in Urbanism (2011) and PhD researcher in the Department of Urbanism and Territorial Planning (DUOT) of the UPC. With several years of experience in multiple projects of architecture and urbanism, since 2010, she has specialized in the production of sub-Saharan cities and their popular neighborhoods, as a result of the urban dynamics and the goals, strategies and mechanisms of the actors involved in their creation and transformation. Through years of applied research, with Maputo (Mozambique) as a case of study, he has developed several investigations on the System of Common Spaces of these urban areas, where the System of Collective Transports and Mobility, The System of Public and Green Spaces, the System of Facilities and Urban Services, and the System of Areas of Tertiary Activity become the common places of daily day experience and action. Since 2010, she has been carrying out multiple applied researches, training, and dissemination activities, both in Barcelona and Maputo, and also being part in multiple workshops, seminars, conferences and round tables focused on Sub-Saharan cities (Barcelona, Cape Town, Johannesburg, Madrid, Maputo, Lisbon, among others). She is currently the Field Coordinator of the DUOT for the project SEC-GeorgeDimitrov (SEC-GD) and the project SEC-Bagamoyo (SEC-BG), where, together with the local counterparts (Municipal Council of Maputo, Faculty of Architecture and Physical Planning - FAPF-), are developing Action Plans for Integrated and Strategic Interventions both in George Dimitrov and Bagmoyo, with gender perspective and participatory approach, in a peripheral district of the capital, and with the collaboration of the Barcelona School of Informatics (UPC), she is also coordinating a pilot test of Integrated Imformation System for urban management, data creation and civic participation. She is also an Invited Lecturer both at the DUOT and at the FAPF since 2011 and 2012 respectively.


email: arwen.p.gumbao@upc.edu

Miquel Marti Casanovas

PhD in Urbanism and assistant professor at the Department of Urbanism and Regional Planning of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia·BarcelonaTech since 2001. Civil Engineer by the Insitute of Applied Sicences of Lyon and Master in Political Sciences at the Institute of Political Studies in Paris, his field of research is the contemporary public space (from its design to the experiences it generates, through the public policies transforming it). Expert in the evolution of public space in Barcelona, he has extended the scope of his research in this field to several European cities, as well as to some American and Asian experiences. He collaborates regularly with other Universities in these three continents through research stays and joint projects. In the last years he has focused his scholar interests on sustainable mobility strategies and their relation with a qualified, livable and healthy public space. He is member of CARNET (Cooperative Automotive Research Network), a multidisciplinary platform aimed at the study and promotion of a sustainable urban mobility. He complements his academic career with professional office dedicated to urban planning for several towns in Catalonia. 


email: miquel.marti@upc.edu

Joan Moreno Sanz

Joan Moreno has been a tenure-eligible lecturer at the Departament d’Urbanisme i Ordenació del Territori (DUOT) at UPC-BarcelonaTech since 2018. Architect, Master and Doctor in Urbanism with international mention with the thesis "Urban corners. And integrated land use – transport model: the Randstad-Holland" awarded with the Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat UPC in Architecture, Urban Planning and Building (2013-2014). His fields of research are, on the one hand, integrated urban and transport planning, and on the other hand, pedagogical innovation on education in Architecture. As a researcher, he is a member of the Grup de Recerca en Urbanisme (GRU), the Grup per la Innovació i la Logística Docent en Arquitectura (GILDA), and he is part of the academic work team of the Cooperative Automotive Research Network (CARNET) which received the Premi Nacional de Recerca al Partenariat Público-privat en R+D 2018. His research has been published in national and international scientific journals and conferences. He has professionally collaborated as an urban planner in writing urban plans and developing architectural projects with public institutions such as the Ajuntament de Barcelona or the Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona and engineering consultants such as Esteyco SAP.


email: joan.moreno@upc.edu 

Inés Aquilué

PhD in architecture by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia · BarcelonaTech (UPC) and lecturer at the Urbanism Department. In the Urbanism Department has given many assignations, such as, Urban Planning I, Urban Planning III and Urban Planning V and has coordinated the assignations Barcelona I: Walk Barcelona, which obtained an award for University Teaching Initiative by the UPC and the award Jaume Vicens Vives for the University Teaching Quality. Thanks for the investigation terms took aboard, Inés has given classes as a visiting professor at National University of Colombia and at Newcastle University. Also, the architect has participated at many round-table discussions and lectures organized by entities such as Spanish Association of Urbanists Technical (AETU) and European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed). In addition, in the begging of 2017 realized an investigation term financed by Santander University foundation at the Habitat School of National University of Colombia, where progressed with your investigation about development areas at the city of Medellín.

email: ines.aquilue@upc.edu

Maria Gabriela Feitosa dos Santos

Undergraduate student of architecture at School of Architecture and Urbanism of São Paulo University (FAUUSP). In FAUUSP, through a possibility presented by the Cultural and Extension University Commission (CCEU), has idealized and carried with another undergraduate student an assignation of university extension “Blackness, Culture and City”. Is a member of the Studies about Ethnic-Racial Relations at the Urban Space Laboratory (LabRaça) of FAUUSP, where has investigated the theme “The formation of Parque Peruche as a black territory” with the funding of Safeguard for Investigation of São Paulo State Foundation (FAPESP). Furthermore, has did an internship at the council of São Paulo, working with regulation of lands, and at the Commercial Social Service of Guarulhos, as an educator at the artistic exhibition “Xilo, Body and City”.

Currently has been doing a term of architecture degree at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia · BarcelonaTech (UPC), where also has a collaboration fellowship for working at the project SEC GD.


email: maria.feitosa.santos@usp.br



João Teodósio Tique


João Teodósio Tique is director at the School of Architecture and Physical Planning (Eduardo Mondlane University). Is PhD at Ambiental Project by Sapienza University of Roma, with the theme “Habitat and Ambient: operative criterions and methodologic instruments for housing development planning with social interest” (2007). Since 1991, the year of the degree in Architecture and Physical Planning, is professor at the School of Architecture and Physical Planning (FAPF) of Eduardo Mondlane University of Maputo, Mozambique, also is a member of yours Academic Consell.

Currently, a part from the assignations related to Planification and Urban Planning, was the director of the Studies for Habitat Development Center (CEDH), where performed many programs and projects of investigation and instrument preparation for land management at the urban centers of Mozambique, with emphasis in the execution of the Urban Structure Plan for the cities of Maputo, Matola and Tete.

During the last five years, has been associated to the institutions of Gubernamentales, mainly focusing in the relation between sectorial and urban planning themes such as Urbanism and Public Health, Sports Installations Planning, Territory Infrastructure Implementation, Cultural Structures Implementation, Resettlements Challenges, among other things.

Since 2018-19 coordinate the preparations for the launch of the first edition of the Architecture and Urbanism’s PhD at FAPF.

email: joaottique@yahoo.com.br

Luis Lage

Moises Francisco





Rogerio Lourenço Nuvunga

Deputy Director of Pelouro de Ordenamento do Territorio, Ambiente e Urbanizaçao del Conselho Municipal de Maputo and and part-time lecturer in the disciplines of Elements of Architecture, Design of Construction and Urban Development in E. Mondlane University / Faculty of Engineering / Department of Civil Engineering. Professor invited by the discipline of Hospital Architecture at the Higher Institute of Health Sciences- Institut Superior de Ciències de la Salut - ISCISA.
Degree in Architecture and Physical Planning from the Eduardo Mondlane University and Master in Architecture from the Sapienza University of Rome. As an architect he worked  in Center for Habitat Development Studies -Centre de Estudos i Desenvolvimento do Habitat (CEDH)  and as the Chief of Repartition of Studies and Projects / Municipal Directorate of Infrastructures in Maputo Municipal Council - Conselho Municipal de Maputo (CMM). Also, he worked as Supervisor of the Urban-Environmental Project area "Apoyo à recalificación de Bairro Chamanculo C" financed by Maputo Municipal Counsel/ Government of Brasil, Italy, Cities Alliance and World Bank (PROMAPUTO).


email: rogerionuvunga@gmail.com 

Aderito Piloto

Bachelor degree in Geographic Information Sciences by Eduardo Mondlane University, Technician of Geographic Information Systems and Technologies for to the Repartition of the Registry of the Territory Planning, Environment and Urbanization in Maputo Town Council, Territorial and Environmental Management Division in Cadastral Department, Geographic Information Systems and Technologies -Repartiçao do Cadastro del Pelouro de Ordenamento do Territorio, Ambiente e Urbanizaçao del Conselho Municipal de Maputo (CMM).
He has participated in a series of projects such as: Impact of climate change in cities (FRATAL), Migrations from SIGEM1 to SIGEM2 (CMM), Maputo Municipal Development Program (PROMAPUTO), DUATs Regularization Program - Programa de Regularização massiva de DUATs (RMD), Urban Mobility for the Great Maputo Region- Mobilidade urbana para a região de Grande Maputo (CMM / DMPUA) , Financial Capacity and Consumer Survey (EEC CANADA), Project to create the Master Plan for Transport for the Great Region of Maputo - Projecto de criação do Plano Director de Transportes para a Região de Grande Maputo (AURECON).


 email: aderitojpiloto@gmail.co.mz

Felizbela Materrula

Sociologist of the Informal Settlement Area.

Paulo Manguele

Architect of the Informal Settlement Area.

Neila Uamusse

Engineer of the Urban Plan Area.



Were collaborators:

Cesar Cunguara, architect and Assistent Director at the Market and Street Market Department of the City Council of Maputo.


Merve Tuba Tanok, doctoral student in architecture at Polytechnic University of Catalonia · BarcelonaTech (UPC).

Laura Vargas, undergraduate student in architecture at Polytechnic University of Catalonia · BarcelonaTech (UPC).

Judit Llabrés, architect and master student in Management Control and Urban Investment Assessment and Architectural at  Polytechnic University of Catalonia · BarcelonaTech (UPC)

Manuel Ngovene, geography student at Eduardo Mondlane University and colaborator student at Kaya Clinica.

Emerson da Conceição Augusto Muitela, geography student at Eduardo Mondlane University and colaborator student at Kaya Clinica.

Gerson Alberto Cumbula, geography student at Eduardo Mondlane University and colaborator student at Kaya Clinica.

Ámina Mariza, geography student at Eduardo Mondlane University and colaborator student at Kaya Clinica.

Stélio Jorge Muianga, geographical information science estudiant at Eduardo Mondlane University and colaborator student at Kaya Clinica.

Miller Dos Santos, architeture student at Eduardo Mondlane University and colaborator student at Kaya Clinica.

Eduardo Muhate, architeture student at Eduardo Mondlane University and colaborator student at Kaya Clinica.

Marcio Nhantumbo, architeture student at Eduardo Mondlane University and colaborator student at Kaya Clinica.

Vanda Nguenha, architeture student at Eduardo Mondlane University and colaborator student at Kaya Clinica.

Sidny Cassamo, architeture student at Eduardo Mondlane University and colaborator student at Kaya Clinica.

Emilson Matusse, architeture student at Eduardo Mondlane University and colaborator student at Kaya Clinica.

Samir Omar, architeture student at Eduardo Mondlane University and colaborator student at Kaya Clinica.

María Johanaarchiteture student at Eduardo Mondlane University and colaborator student at Kaya Clinica.